Course - Japanese Sentence Patterns
Example sentences from the book "Japanese Sentence Patterns for Effective Communication", byTaeko Kamiya
On this page you can see general information for the selected course.
Course Information
Teacher: JTLanguage
This is the user ID of the course owner.
Target Languages:
Japanese, Japanese-Kana, Japanese-Romaji
These are the target languages available for the course.
Host Languages:
These are the host languages available for the course.
1/10/2024 8:39:17 PM
This is the course creation time.
1/24/2024 6:23:11 AM
This is the course last edit time.
Lesson Count: 24
This is how many lessons are in the course.
Use the above links to edit the course information.
Lessons and Groups
The following table lists the groups and lessons contained in the course. Note that a group or lesson title in red denotes a private (non-public) group or lesson. Use the action link buttons to go to the group or lesson, or add it to your plan. If you are a teacher there will be an edit button for editing the group or lesson profile. If you are the course owner, there will be additional buttons for moving or deleting the group or lesson.
Basic Expressions - Polite
1. Identifying and Describing People and Things
2. Describing the Existence of Animate and Inanimate Things
3. Making Comparisons
4. Describing Actions in the Present, Future, and Past
5. Actions: in Progress, Completed, Successive, Simultaneous, and Miscellaneous
6. Stating Purpose, Cause, and Reason
7. Commands, Requests, Suggestions, Approval, Disapproval, Prohibition, and Obligation
8. Expressing Ability, Preference, Desire, Intention, Resolution, and Experience
9. Describing the Actions of Giving and Receiving
10. Expressing Conjecture and Hearsay, and Quoting People
11. Using Conditional, Passive, Causative, and Causative-Passive Forms
12. Making Relative Clauses
Basic Expressions - Casual
1. Identifying and Describing People and Things
2. Describing the Existence of Animate and Inanimate Things
3. Making Comparisons
4. Describing Actions in the Present, Future, and Past
5. Actions: in Progress, Completed, Successive, Simultaneous, and Miscellaneous
6. Stating Purpose, Cause, and Reason
7. Commands, Requests, Suggestions, Approval, Disapproval, Prohibition, and Obligation
8. Expressing Ability, Preference, Desire, Intention, Resolution, and Experience
9. Describing the Actions of Giving and Receiving
10. Expressing Conjecture and Hearsay, and Quoting People
11. Using Conditional, Passive, Causative, and Causative
Passive Forms
12. Making Relative Clauses
Use the above link to add the groups and lessons to a plan (without the Course node).
The following table lists the content items contained in the course, lesson, or group. Use the action link buttons to go to the content item, or add it to your plan. If you are a teacher there will be an edit button for editing the content item. If you are the owner, there will be additional buttons for moving or deleting the content items.
Use the above link to add the applicable contents to a plan (without the node node).